

I am interested in using cosmological simulations to develop models of LSS observables, primarily galaxy clustering and galaxy intrinsic alignments.

On the one hand, gravity-only simulations can be employed to understand in detail the non-linear collapse of matter, and combining this with some flavour of bias-expansion allows us to model large-scale properties of galaxies with great accuracy and flexibility. This has been the subject of several papers written with the BACCO group , including HYMALAIA, a hybrid model for Intrinsic-Alignments. Further details can be found here .

On the other hand, hydrodynamical simulations provide us with complex galaxy formation models which can be seen as laboratories where one can test physical assumptions and scenarios. Together with Jens Stucker, we have proposed a new view on bias-parameters, which also gives us a cheap and precise way to compute these bias parameters from simulations. These estimators are the ideal tool for investigating in detail how do the shape-correlations of galaxies appear over time, and what happens to these correlations depending on the merger-history of these galaxies. Constraining the physical scenarios which impact the emergence of these shape correlations will hopefully help us build even more accurate models.

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